With my whole heart I seek you…. (devo reflection)

2 Chron 15:2b …The LORD is with you when you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you….
I know that I will find what I seek in life. If I look for blessings, little signs that God is with me, I will find them everywhere. Conversely, if I get caught in a cycle of negativity, I will find something to grouch about around every corner. I feel God calling me this morning to actively seek renewal through Him as I go throughout my day. Jesus knows how desperately I need renewal.
2 Chron 15:15b …They sought God eagerly, and He was found by them. So the LORD gave them rest on every side.
I know that focusing on the positive is as easy as asking myself, “Where do I see evidence of God’s care, concern, and provision in my life?” But I’ve never thought of renewal as something I can do here, smack in the middle of my daily life. Renewal seems something I have to go away to find. But with today’s scripture, my precious Savior seems very clearly to be telling me that if I seek Him in the middle of everyday life, I will find Him, and He will give me rest. Help me, Jesus.
Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God….”
Lord, Thank You for this day and for this idea that if I seek You, if I seek opportunities for renewal through You in my daily activities, that You will give me rest. Help me to be mindful of opportunities to rest and renew in You and through You as I go throughout my day. Help me to sink my roots so deeply into You that even in the deepest drought, Your love and grace sustain me. Draw me closer. Amen.
Psalm 119:10 With my whole heart I seek you….
Have a blessed day.