What the world thinks…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 7:1 LORD my God, I take refuge in You; save and deliver me from all who pursue me….

Lord, it is hard not to react in anger and fear when someone says things about me that aren’t true. It makes me mad when someone misinterprets my words or actions and maligns my name.

Psalm 7:3-4 LORD my God, if I have done this and there is guilt on my hands—if I have repaid my ally with evil or without cause have robbed my foe—

Lord, I know that I worry to much about what this world thinks. Help me, like David, to turn to You when that happens (and always). It doesn’t matter what the world thinks or says about me. What matters is that You know my heart and that I am in right standing before You.

Psalm 7:5 …then let my enemy pursue and overtake me; let him trample my life to the ground and make me sleep in the dust.

Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for the reminder that my hope is not in this world. My hope is not in what other people think or say about me. My hope is in You and You alone. Draw me closer. Amen.

Psalm 7:8 Let the LORD judge the peoples. Vindicate me, LORD, according to my righteousness, according to my integrity, O Most High.

Have a blessed day.