Unshakable…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 16:8 …With Him at my right hand, I will never be shaken.
Yesterday I volunteered to share my devo reflection to begin a meeting at church. I stumbled when I read the following: “Yet if I keep my eyes on You, if I will center myself on Your fierce love, I will NEVER be shaken by any doubt.” The line gave me pause because anxiety, worry, and fear often crowd my mind, especially when life feels chaotic. Does that mean I’m not living my faith? 
Matt 7:9-10 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
I’ve been pondering and praying about this since last night, and I was reminded by my precious Savior of when my boys were little and we had a terrible storm. We were safe inside, yet they were still afraid. As their parent, I wasn’t angry about their fears. In fact, I sought to reassure them further that they were safe and protected. And now, all these years later, they don’t struggle so. 
Matt 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you….”
Precious Savior, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for understanding my doubts and fears and for loving me and reassuring me through them. My faith is so much stronger than it was, and even when I am afraid, I KNOW You hold me securely, I KNOW that I am Your deeply loved child. Even if this world crumbles to dust, I KNOW that my eternity is with You. Those truths are unshakable, and that is solely because of You. ‘Thank You’ feels so inadequate, and yet, I know You know my heart. Draw me closer, Lord. Help me to shine Your light, so that others can understand Your unshakable truth. Amen.
Psalm 16:10 …You will not abandon me….
Have a blessed day.