1 Chron 1:1 Historical records from Adam to Abraham, To Noah’s Sons: Adam, Seth, Enosh….
The hubs and I share stories of our fathers with our children. Both of our dads passed away when the boys were young, and my father-in-law had a debilitating stroke before my youngest was even born. While our boys have vague memories of their grandfathers, we share stories and memories about them, so that our boys can know a bit better these wonderful men in their family.
1 Chron 1:5 The Hamites: The sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.
When you tell a story of the past, you are chronicling. The story itself is a chronicle. I really think that is what this chapter, these books, are about—telling the story of God’s family, our family, all those who came before. It goes so much deeper than just long lists of genealogies.
1 Chron 1:17 The Semites: The sons of Shem: Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram.
Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for our place in Your family, for the ability to look back on all those who have gone before. Draw us closer to You. Amen.
1 Chron 1:28 The Family of Abraham: The sons of Abraham: Isaac and Ishmael.
Have a blessed day