The movement of grace…. (devo reflection)

Acts 20:32 ”Now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance….”
I have always been pretty hard on myself. Things that I would forgive easily in other people, I would often beat myself up for for days. I’m learning, slowly, to cut myself some slack, to give myself grace. It is a slow, at times painful, process. But growing in grace is always worth the effort.
2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever!
Anne Lamott once said, “The movement of grace is what changes us, heals us and heals our world.” The movement of grace, growing in grace, is such beautiful imagery. Grace is alive, active. It can grow and move, seeping into the corners, nooks, and crannies, wiping away the dirt, dusting off the cobwebs, breathing God’s life, peace, and healing into spaces long given up as habitable. Grace brings hope, healing, and forgiveness. Thank You, Jesus.
2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Lord, Thank You for this day and for Your abundant and amazing grace. Thank You for the knowledge and healing available through Your grace and for the fact that Your grace is active and alive. Help me to extend Your grace to all those I encounter today, Lord, especially myself. Help me to stay rooted in You so I can bear much fruit. Amen.
John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.”
Have a blessed day.