1 Samuel 18:12 Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had departed from Saul.
David is a man after God’s own heart. It is his utmost priority. All that he does is for the LORD. He has the mindset I strive to emulate. Commentary put it this way: “I’m doing things for the LORD. I love the LORD, and my reward is from Him.” This mindset allows him to stay focused and stay humble. He doesn’t seek fame, and it doesn’t go to his head when it finds him, because he is focused on the LORD.
1 Samuel 18:13 So he sent David away from him and gave him command over a thousand men, and David led the troops in their campaigns.
I don’t think that’s the default hardwire for humans. We work our butts off for ourselves, so that someone will recognize and reward our hard work. But that can lead to huge egos (if that hard work is recognized and rewarded) or bitterness and anger (if we feel we are working so hard and nobody cares or recognizes it).
1 Samuel 18:14 In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him.
Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for showing us a better way than working for ourselves for our own recognition. I want off of the worldly roller coaster of working for myself, hoping someone notices and rewards my hard work. I want a heart like David’s, a heart that loves You above all else, a heart that works for You and not for recognition or praise, a heart that understands that You see and reward those who stay focused on You—Your will, Your way, Your love and grace and mercy. Help me, Lord. Draw me closer. Amen.
1 Samuel 18:15 When Saul saw how successful he was, he was afraid of him.
Have a blessed day.