Joshua 1:9a Have I not commanded you?
Lord, You know what each person reading this reflection has before them today. Thank You for the command, for the reminder, that we can be strong and courageous, that we do not need to be afraid or discouraged, because You are with us. Always.
Joshua 1:9b …Be strong and courageous….
Father, We have so many needs, so many hurts, so many anxieties and worries and requests. Thank You that You love us so deeply, that You lavish us with blessings so completely. Thank You for Your reminders, Your encouragement, Your presence.
Joshua 1:9c …Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged…
Precious Savior, The encouragement to be strong and courageous, the encouragement to not be afraid or discouraged, those things are priceless. But the true gift is the fact that You are with me wherever I go, that You see me, You love me, You are for me, You know every hair on my head, every tear I will cry, I am Your deeply, fiercely loved child. Always. Thank You. Amen.
Joshua 1:9d …for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Have a blessed day.