Mark 10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out saying, “Jesus…have mercy on me!”
Bartimaeus cried out to Jesus in His distress. He did not allow himself to be silenced by the crowd that was definitely trying to silence him. Their attempts to silence him suggests the crowd did not see him as worthy of Christ’s attention. But Bartimaeus knew Jesus could heal him, so he “cried out all the more….” in his distress. He knew where ultimate healing could be found.
Mark 10:48 And many rebuked Him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more….
Yesterday morning at church I was pondering these things, specifically the fact that in his quest for healing, Bartimaeus would not be deterred from crying out to our Savior. I find inspiration, light, and hope in his perseverance for Christ. Christ can use us in this way as well—as an example of what to do when it feels like your world is falling apart. If we cling to Jesus, doggedly and ceaselessly call out to Him in our distress, He can use that to show others an example of faith even in the midst of suffering.
Mark 10:49 And Jesus stopped and said, “Call to Him.” And they called to the blind man, saying… “Take heart. Get up; He is calling you.”
Lord, Thank You for this day and for Bartimaeus’s example of faith. He knew that You were near and that You could heal him, and he would not be silenced. He persisted in calling out to You. Help us, Lord, when we feel we have nothing to offer because of life’s trials, to persist in seeking You, in calling out to You. Use our perseverance in seeking You as encouragement to others who are struggling. Draw us closer. Amen.
Mark 10:50 And throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus.
Have a blessed day.