Resting in Jesus…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 62:5 (NLT) Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.

I have mentioned the Jesus Calling devotional before. This morning I was met with these two lines: “Rest in Me, My child. Give your mind a break from planning and trying to anticipate what will happen.” These lines resonate deeply today. As a scholar, teacher, wife, mother, planning plays an integral part. It can be exhausting. Resting in Jesus sounds delightful. I don’t do it enough.

Psalm 62:5 (NIV) Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

And the reminder couldn’t have come on a better day. We celebrate our graduate today, now that he has diploma in hand, rough outline for his future. I need to remind him, in my words and in my actions, that resting in Jesus is a crucial part of a successful life, that planning is important, but resting in Jesus is more so.

Psalm 62:5 (BSB) Rest in God alone, O my soul, for my hope comes from Him.

Lord, My mornings with you, waiting quietly before You, listening to You whisper to my heart, these quiet morning moments are essential for my peace of mind. Help me to take that peace with me throughout each  day. Help me to teach my children to wait quietly before You each day. Before You is the only place hope can be found. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Psalm 62:5 (CEV) Only God gives inward peace, and I depend on him.

Have a blessed day.