Remember who God is…. (devo reflection)

Hosea 9:7 The days of punishment are coming, the days of reckoning are at hand. Let Israel know this….

As I was pondering my reflection this morning, I thought of how important it is to remember who God is when reading Hosea 9. Isaiah 43:25 says, “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

Hosea 9:8 The prophet, along with my God, is the watchman over Ephraim, yet snares await him on all his paths, and hostility in the house of his God.

Our God is the God of relationship, of love and compassion, of forgiveness and restoration. As painful as this chapter is to contemplate, I have to believe that God is who He says He is and that His actions are to achieve His ultimate goal: relationship with His creation, love and compassion, forgiveness and restoration.

Hosea 9:9 They have sunk deep into corruption, as in the days of Gibeah. God will remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.

Lord, Thank You for who You are and who You are to me. Help me, no matter what chaos is occurring in life, to remember who You are and who You are to me. Give me strength. Help me seek to draw closer to You always. Amen.

Hosea 9:17 My God will reject them because they have not obeyed him; they will be wanderers among the nations.

Have a blessed day.