Refuge…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 61:3a For you have been my refuge,

Google defines refuge as a noun, meaning “a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.” If God is my refuge, that means that He is my safe place, my shelter, where I can go to not be pursued by danger or trouble. Even just reading that definition, I feel my soul take a breath of relief.

Psalm 61:3b …a strong tower against the foe.

If He is with me always, and I truly believe that He is, then that shelter, that refuge is always available to me. Always. So on those days where I feel beleaguered or overwhelmed or pursued by danger or trouble, that means I am not utilizing the most amazing resource I have in my daily defense arsonal–the refuge of my Savior.

Psalm 61:4a I long to dwell in your tent forever…

Precious Savior, Thank You for being with me always, for providing me with refuge always. Thank You that I can count on You, that I can trust You, no matter what I encounter in each day. Help me not to forget that You ARE my refuge. Help me to seek refuge in You when life overwhelms. Amen.

Psalm 61:4b …and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.

Have a blessed day.