Real and personal…. (devo reflection)

Gen 16:7 The Angel of the LORD found Hagar near a spring in the dessert….
This morning finds me still sitting by the spring with Hagar, ironic since all I’ve ever felt for Hagar was mild contempt at her attitude toward Sarai. I was struck by a comment about the Pharisees in one of my devotionals this morning: “They possessed much information about God, but they had no personal relationship with Him.” I think that’s why I linger here. This time with Hagar and the Angel of the LORD at the well is incredibly personal.
Gen 16:8 “…where have you come from, and where are you going?”
This is not just impersonal knowledge of God, it is God showing up to sit with an Egyptian slave in her confusion and pain. Haughty, rude Hagar wasn’t making a show. Her running wasn’t staged to get a response out of Abram or Sarai. She was being mistreated, so she ran. And God saw her. He showed up in the midst of her confusion and pain. He gave her comfort and guidance. He became real and personal to Hagar. He became “the God who sees me.”
Gen 16:11 …”for the LORD has heard of your misery.”
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for the fact that You see us in our fear, our misery, our pain. Thank You for getting personal, for showing up in the middle of our mess and giving us comfort and guidance. I love that I am learning more about You during this study, Lord. My head-knowledge is expanding exponentially. But what is most precious to me is the reminder of my personal relationship with You, the reminder that in the middle of my pain and confusion, You are with me. Draw me closer, Lord. Amen.
Gen 16:13 …”You are the God who sees me….I have seen the One who sees me.”
Have a blessed day.