Prideful…. (devo reflection)

Ezekiel 29:3 “Speak to [Pharaoh king of Egypt] and say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “ ‘I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt, you great monster lying among your streams. You say, “The Nile belongs to me; I made it for myself.”

Commentary can be incredibly helpful as I try to make sense of my reading each day. Often it gives me background or insight into history of which I am unaware. For instance, one of the insights commentary gave me on today’s reading is that “Israel…has an impulse to look to Egypt in times of crisis.” The chapter also indicates that Egypt leaned into that role of savior, becoming prideful.

Ezekiel 29:6. Then all who live in Egypt will know that I am the Lord….

The issue here, as I see it, is two-fold: 1. Israel is looking to someone other than God in times of crisis. Psalm 121:2 says, “My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” 2. Egypt is getting prideful because of their role as rescuer. Both are issues as both remove God from His right place as center.

Ezekiel 29:6b-7 “‘You have been a staff of reed for the people of Israel. When they grasped you with their hands, you splintered and you tore open their shoulders; when they leaned on you, you broke and their backs were wrenched.’”

Lord, it is so easy sometimes to recognize and analyze what other people are doing wrong. Help me to concentrate instead on the plank in my own eye—being sure my focus is on You, my center is in You—instead of fixating on the speck of sawdust I see in someone else’s eye. Help me to remain humble in You. Amen.

Ezekiel 29:16 “‘Egypt will no longer be a source of confidence for the people of Israel but will be a reminder of their sin in turning to her for help. Then they will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.’”

Have a blessed day.