Pondering…. (devo reflection)

Genesis 16:9 Then the angel of the Lord told her, “Go back to your mistress and submit to her.” 

Hagar is Egyptian. According to a brief Google search, she was Islamic, so the fact that the angel of the Lord appears to her in her distress and tells her that the Lord has heard her misery and has a plan for her and her descendants is interesting to me.

Genesis 16:10 The angel added, “I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count.”

I wonder what Hagar thought of all of this. Was she a devout Muslim? She goes back to Sarai and Abram. Was that because she believed the angel of the Lord or because she had no other options? What can we learn from Hagar in these verses?

Genesis 16:11 The angel of the Lord also said to her: “You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery. 

Precious Savior, Thank You for the ability to ponder Your word, for seeing things and wondering about things that I have not before. Help me to learn and to draw closer to You, always. Amen.

Genesis 16:12 He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”

Have a blessed day.

One Reply to “Pondering…. (devo reflection)”

  1. Wow. This gave me so many things to ponder this morning. I heard things I had never heard before. Thank you. Thank God.

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