One faltering step at a time…. (devo reflection)

Gen 21:22 At the time Abimelek and Phicol the commander of his forces said to Abraham, “God is with you in everything you do.” (NIV)
Commentary on this verse says: “Abimelech noticed this [that God is with Abraham] because of Abraham’s integrity and because of the blessing evident in his life. Abraham had the greatest of all blessings: the presence of God in his life.” Given all I’ve seen of Abraham’s actions in Genesis, this comment really got me thinking.
Gen 21:22 About this time, Abimelech came with Phicol, his army commander, to visit Abraham. “God is obviously with you, helping you in everything you do,” Abimelech said. (NLT)
I’ve been with Abraham throughout this journey. I’ve witnessed the disobedience and half-truths that were precursors to this Abraham full of integrity. I know that Abraham didn’t spring, fully formed, as this righteous, obedient man. I witnessed his path to obedience. I saw that his relationship with God was forged one difficult—often faltering—step at a time. 
Gen 21:33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the LORD, the Eternal God. (NIV)
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for my stumbling, fallible, faltering walk that draws me closer to You. Thank You for Your presence in trials and heartache, for Your promise to be our shield and our very great reward, for growing us in Your love through everything we encounter. Thank You for using the trials in my life to bring me closer to You. Thank You for my trust in Your sovereignty, built one faltering step at a time. Amen.
Gen 21:33 Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba, and there he worshiped the LORD, the Eternal God. (NLT)
Have a blessed day.