My first resort…. (devo reflection)

2 Samuel 5:1 Then all the tribes of Israel went to David at Hebron and told him, “We are your own flesh and blood.”
I have seen church signs that said: “When all else fails….PRAY!” Those signs have always bothered me because prayer should be a first resort and not a last-ditch effort.
2 Samuel 5:2 “In the past, while Saul was king over us, you were the one who led Israel on their military campaigns. And the LORD said to you, ‘You will shepherd my people Israel, and you will become their ruler.’”
The Israelites behavior in this chapter reminds me of the “wisdom” on those church signs. They embraced Saul as king. He was killed. They embraced Ish-Bosheth as king. He was killed. It was only when they had no other viable options that they turned to David, God’s anointed.
2 Samuel 5:9 David then took up residence in the fortress and called it the City of David. He built up the area around it, from the terraces inward.
Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for reminding me that You are always my first resort. Help me to turn to You in all things, Lord. You are my center. Hold me together (Col 1:17). Amen.
2 Samuel 5:10 And he became more and more powerful, because the LORD God Almighty was with him.
Have a blessed day.