John 9:14 Now the day on which Jesus had made the mud and opened the man’s eyes was a Sabbath.
I am a rule follower. The Pharisees and religious leaders are also rule followers, rule creators, rule enforcers, but somewhere along the way, creating and enforcing rules became more important to them than the reasons for the rules in the first place. Breaking rules was perceived as being about disrespect for the authority of the rule creators instead of about mercy and compassion for the people.
John 9:16a Some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.”
For me, today’s scripture seems to have practical applications for my return to work as a new school year always means new rules and routines, new ways of operating and cooperating. I’m not so good with new and with change. I’m rather like the Pharisees, grumbling at Jesus for breaking their precious, sacred Sabbath rules—a comparison and admission that both shocks and saddens me.
John 9:16b …But others asked, “How can a sinner perform such signs?” So they were divided.
Lord, As I return to the classroom next week, help me to be merciful and compassionate both to those I work for and those I work with. Help me to enforce necessary rules while still showing mercy, love, and compassion to my fellow human beings. Help me to be more like Jesus. Amen.
John 9:22 His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.
Have a blessed day.