Love God. Love others…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 67:1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us—

The heart of my religious philosophy is: “Love God. Love others.” A billboard once summarized it as: “Just love everyone. I’ll sort them out later. ~God” Perhaps I espouse this idea so strongly because I’ve felt the sting of rejection, of not belonging. My God, the God if all creation, is not exclusionary. He would leave the 99 to save the one. He would not say, “Well, if you hadn’t said this, done this, looked like this, loved in this way….” God wants all the peoples to praise Him.

Psalm 67:2 …so that Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.

Commentary says about verses 3 & 5, “Do we have the same heart? Or will we write off some peoples, instead of having God’s heart for all the peoples?” Sadly, in this judgmental, partisan, divided, divisive world we live in, all peoples tends to mean only the peoples who look and feel and think exactly like us, peoples whom WE deem worthy. Oh friends, it’s NOT about us, about our opinion, our estimation.

Psalm 67:3 May the peoples praise You, God; May all the peoples praise You.

Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You that You are holy and righteous, that You are loving and good. Help us to see others with Your eyes, to love others with Your heart. Help us not to write others off because we deem them unworthy. May all the peoples praise You, Lord. Amen.

Psalm 67:5 May the peoples praise You, God; May all the peoples praise You.

Have a blessed day.