Lost in busyness…. (devo reflection)

Luke 10:40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made….
This is going to be a busy week. It is the kind of week where I’m exhausted before it begins, thinking of all that must be done. Some folks thrive off the stress of doing, but it wears me out. However, I laughed when the Lord brought me back to Martha this morning. Martha and I go way back. I’ve been trying to be more Mary and less Martha in my life, thought I’d been making progress, but perhaps in all my busyness, I haven’t come as far as I had hoped.
Haggai 1:9 “You expected much, but…it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?” declares the LORD Almighty. “Because of My house, which remains in ruin, while each of you is busy with your own house.”
Ultimately, what is lost when I get swept up in my own busyness is my connection with my Savior. I put Him high on a shelf so that He doesn’t get lost in the shuffle, forgetting that my connection with Him is vitally important so that I don’t lose sight of why I’m here. If my existence is just about checking items off my “to do” list instead of about drawing near to and glorifying my Savior, I’m absolutely lost.
Matt 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Lord, Thank You for this day and for the reminder to cling to You and glorify You, regardless of my obligations. Help me not to lose sight of the most important thing in my life—You. Help me not to get so swept up in the world’s busyness that I lose sight of my purpose in You. Draw me closer. Amen.
1 Cor 10:31 …whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Have a blessed day.

2 Replies to “Lost in busyness…. (devo reflection)”

  1. Greetings to my dear Martha/Mary friend from another Martha, longing to be Mary. I simply closed my eyes and smiled this morning as I read your words. Thank you for listening and allowing yourself to be used by Him as share with others. The message spoke volumes for me this morning. 1 Cor. 10:31 does not tell us to do everything, Let us all be still, listen for His voice and spend more time sitting at His feet with eager anticipation. The dishes and the laundry will always be there later. Have a blessed day.

  2. Thank you, sweet friend. Every single day I try to be a bit more still and listen a bit more closely. I know you do as well. He knows our hearts. He sees our efforts. He’s drawing us closer to Him, day by day, even if we can’t yet perceive the movement.

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