Acts 9:5a “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.
I have often said when it comes to making choices–especially big, scary, life choices–that I wish God would give me a big ole flashing neon sign that I can’t miss so that I would absolutely know the choice that keeps me in His will. I’m pretty sure that Saul’s Damascus Road experience is the equivalent of that prayer.
Acts 9:5b “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied.
But here’s what I find so interesting. Saul didn’t pray for flashing neon clarity. He didn’t even think he was out of God’s will. He relished the opportunity to persecute Christians, and he absolutely thought he was doing the right thing, and yet, when he is struck down, he pauses and pivots, asking only “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6 KJV).
Acts 9:6 “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
Precious Savior, Thank You for the enthusiasm You have given me to embrace this life. When I am out of Your will, help me to see it, to know it, to have the strength and grace to say, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” so I can correct the issue. Amen.
Acts 9:7 The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.
Have a blessed day.