Joyful, patient, faithful…. (devo reflection)

Romans 12:12a Be joyful in hope, 

Romans 12:12 is the first verse I remember intentionally claiming as my own. It seems to be a fairly Swiss Army Knife verse–very versatile, useful in a variety of situations. It is still a favorite verse of mine as it is a good general reminder of how I should live life–joyful, patient, faithful. I still fail to live up to it to varying degrees.

Romans 12:12b  …patient in affliction,

One thing I noticed during this reading that I’m not sure I’ve paid much attention to before is the fact that these verses, in the NIV translation, are in a section entitled “Love in Action.” So not only is Romans 12:12 a good life verse, it’s a good love verse as well. When we love others, we should be joyful, patient, faithful. What a beautiful gift

Romans 12:12c …faithful in prayer. 

Precious Savior, Thank You for Romans 12:12, a most versatile verse. Thank You for the fact that it contains such good advice for both living life and loving others. Help me to strive to be joyful, patient, and faithful in all areas of life. Amen.

Romans 12:13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Have a blessed day.