Matt 14:29 [Jesus] said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.
Last summer I chaperoned a youth trip to a high ropes course with my church. I decided I would give the course a go, but I intentionally went very last because I am incredibly afraid of heights. I went last so that I could take all the time I needed to work through my fears, but if I’m honest, I also went last so I could quit if I couldn’t handle it. And I almost did quit. Climbing up the ladder. To get started. Jesus help me.
Matt 14:30 But when [Peter] saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”
So many things helped me during this challenge—watching those ahead of me, talking strategy with the young lady directly in front of me, breathing, praying, persevering, hearing those who care about me cheer me on. At one point, during a particularly daunting obstacle I was traversing, another of our crew was having serious panic issues on an adjacent obstacle. As a body, we cheered for him, gave him advice and encouragement, supported him. I realized during that time that when I was focused on helping him bridge his fear, my own fear subsided. That daunting obstacle I was navigating was kept in better perspective, was significantly less difficult, as I prayed and encouraged him through his obstacle. There is a lesson there. Thank You, Jesus.
Matt 14:31 Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of [Peter]….
Lord, Thank You for this day and for Your love and encouragement. Thank You for calling us out of the boat. The boat is safe, Lord, but it is only by stepping out of its safety and facing our fears that we learn to trust You, that we grow in our faith. Be with everyone reading this reflection today, Lord. You know what we are facing. You know the obstacles and fears in our lives. Help us to focus on You and to heed Your call to “Come.” Give us all the courage to step out of the boat and walk on the water to You. Draw us closer. Amen.
Matt 14:33 And when they got onto the boat, the wind ceased.
Have a blessed day.