Infinitely human and fallible…. (devo reflection)

Gen 35:22b-23 Jacob had twelve sons: The sons of Leah….
Commentary contained this observation about Gen 35:22b: “This was actually a severely dysfunctional family. God will use this family, but not because they were such great spiritual men, but because He chose them by His grace alone.” I’ll admit, I wasn’t anticipating the level of dysfunction and disobedience I’ve encountered in Genesis. I’ve talked before about the child’s truth I’ve clung to about many of the faithful fathers of Genesis. But the level of fallible humanity I’ve seen in this book has been encouraging in that I see how He has called folks just like me: messy, fallible, human.
Gen 35:24 The sons of Rachel….
I’ve seen how they have disobeyed, mis-obeyed, taken wrong turns and gotten sidetracked, and I’ve seen how God, time and again has been loving and faithful to bring them back to His purpose, to use them in spite of themselves. And I have great hope and confidence that He can do the same with me and mine—all infinitely human and fallible, all deeply in love with our Savior. Thank You, Jesus.
Gen 35:25 The sons of Rachel’s servant Bilhah….
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for the reality that You can and will use us in Your service—not because we are perfect but because You are. Thank You for Your steadfast love and infinite grace. Thank You that You can, will, and do use all things for our good and Your glory. Draw us closer. Amen.
Gen 35:26 The sons of Leah’s servant Zilpah….
Have a blessed day.