I will hope in Your name…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 52:8a But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God….

Lord, I find myself this morning thinking of anger and bitterness when I feel others have “gotten away with” saying or doing something that isn’t right. I find myself struggling not to try to do Your job, to be sure they “pay” for their transgressions. My thoughts are ugly, Lord, and I recognize the slippery slope I’m on because I say and do things I shouldn’t sometimes as well, things that end up being hurtful to others, things that deserve censure.

Psalm 52:8b …I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.

Lord, I find myself thinking about Jesus and the adulteress and the accusers with their stones. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” When I get caught up in seeking retribution, I lose sight of mercy and compassion. Ultimately, You are judge, but even before that, You are Father, and You want nothing more than Your children, ALL Your children, with You in paradise. THAT is why You temper Your judgment with mercy and compassion. 

Psalm 52:9a For what You have done I will always praise You in the presence of Your faithful people….

Lord, You are God and I am not. You are sovereign and merciful and compassionate, and I am far too consumed with the things of this world, even now. Help me to leave the judgement to You alone. Help me to react to others with the mercy and grace I hope for myself. Draw me closer. Amen.

Psalm 52:9b …And I will hope in Your name, for Your name is good.

Have a blessed day