Psalm 117:1 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples.
This psalm is only two verses, but there is a lot packed into them. For me, this psalm is another reminder that my focus, my perspective, matters. No where does it say that I am to praise the Lord for all He has given me or for the smooth, easy path on which He has placed me. That’s probably because those are NOT primary reasons for praise.
Psalm 117:2 For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD.
I am reminded to praise the Lord because of His great love for me, a love that I do not deserve and can never earn. It is His gift of grace to me. I am reminded to praise Him because of His enduring faithfulness. Even when I am unfaithful–grumpy, selfish in thoughts, words, and deeds, He is still faithful to me, a gift that I do not deserve and can never earn. It is His gift of grace to me. Thank You, Jesus.
Psalm 117:1 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples.
Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for Your great love and enduring faithfulness, for the gift of Your undeserved grace. Help me to praise You, always. Even when my circumstances are not what I wish them to be, You are still with me, Your grace if sufficient. Thank You for Your fierce love. Amen.
Psalm 117:2 For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD.
Have a blessed day.