He will start as He always starts…. (devo reflection)

Gen 11:1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.
It occurred to me this morning that Genesis begins as any story begins—with the exposition. Background. Here we learn everything we need to know to makes sense of all that will come. It’s not the most exciting part of the story, but it is important so that we can fully understand. Genealogically, we have extended a line from Adam to Noah and from Noah to Shem and from Shem to Abram. That line will eventually extend to Jesus, God in human form.
Gen 11:4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise, we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
Behaviorally, we see, repeatedly, man’s disobedience and sin, and God’s mercy in the face of that disobedience. After the debacle at Babel, as one commentary puts it, “Now God will begin to make man better, and He will start as He always starts: with a man who will do His will, even if He does not do His will perfectly.” Jesus, Give me strength.
Gen 11:8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for the record of Your steadfastness, even in the face of our disobedience. Thank You for not demanding perfection, as You know we are not capable. Thank You for Your willingness and ability to use us if we are willing to do Your will, even if we can’t or won’t do it perfectly. Thank You for Your fierce love and divine mercy, extended to us again and again and again. Draw us closer. Amen.
Gen 11:10 This is the account of Shem’s family line.
Have a blessed day.