Forgive my prideful attitude…. (devo reflection)

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding….

The commitment to trust the Lord is, to borrow phrasing from the book I’m reading, an all-in commitment. It means trusting Him always, even when your brain tells you that you can handle a situation. (The brain can lie. Optical illusions are a case-in-point.)

Proverbs 3:6 …in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

I’ve never really examined this verse in light of the need for humility before, but as I read it now, that seems to be at the core: Even when I think I’ve got it—a situation, life figured out, everything under control—I’ve got to depend on Him and not myself, which means I’ve got to be aware enough to realize that pride is creeping in—No, no, God. I’ve got this. I’m good.

Proverbs 3:7a Do not be wise in your own eyes….

Lord, Forgive my prideful attitude, even when it is automatic and unintentional, especially then. Help me to be aware, always, of my deep need for You. Help me to trust You in every situation. Help me not to lean on my own understanding. Amen.

Proverbs 3:35 The wise inherit honor, but fools get only shame.

Have a blessed day.