Genesis 22:6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together,
Commentary talks about these verses as “a remarkable picture of the work of Jesus at the cross, thousands of years before it happened…” And as much as I can understand where commentary is coming from with the association, these verses immediately bring to my mind other, much darker associations.
Genesis 22:7 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
There have been many stories over the years of parents who have hurt or killed their children, claiming that God called them to do it. When I read these verses, I don’t read about obedience, I see fear from the child, even if the child is 35 years old. I see pain and anguish and hurt on all sides.
Genesis 22:8 Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.
Precious Savior, I know this is not where you want my mind to go. Help me rid myself of this association so I can focus on Your true lessons here–faith, obedience, putting You and Your call first, even when it is difficult, knowing that You will provide and that You keep Your promises, even when the way is so very dark. Help me, Jesus. Amen.
Genesis 22:9 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.
Have a blessed day.