The grace of mercy…. (devo reflection)

Proverbs 24:17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice….
Gloating is easy and incredibly human. If you speed past me on the interstate and then I see you pulled over by police later on, I’m probably going to chuckle, thinking you got what you deserved. Oh but that’s a slippery slope, that idea of rejoicing when someone gets what *I* think they deserve for their actions. It brings to mind my own behaviors and the idea of mercy versus justice.
Proverbs 24:18 …or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from them.
When I read this section of scripture today, Luke 23:34 came strongly to mind: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing….” These soldiers killed the Messiah and cast lots for His clothes. They deserved death, but Jesus gave them mercy. I am called to be like Jesus, which involves putting aside my pride which calls for justice and acting towards others in mercy instead.
Proverbs 24:19 Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked….
Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for laying these issues on my heart once again. You know I struggle, Lord. Sometimes I just want folks to get what their rotten behavior deserves, but for myself, I will always want mercy. Help me extend the grace of mercy to others as I wish it extended to me. Amen.
Proverbs 24:20 …for the evildoer has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
Have a blessed day

A difficult truth…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 36:5 Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies.

God is faithful, but people can be incredibly fickle. We can be rude or mean, can make other’s lives harder out of spite, meanness, or misunderstanding. And as I think of my own transgressions and those of people close to me on this Good Friday, I can’t help but remember the words of Christ on the cross, as He was dying and His murders were casting lots for His clothing. “Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’” (Luke 23:34).

Psalm 36:6 Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, Your justice like the great deep. You, LORD, preserve both people and animals.

I have a hard time holding these seemingly incompatible truths in my hands—I am a sinner—petty, mean, rude, angry—saved by undeserved grace. I am the one blithely casting lots for Christ’s garments while He hangs on the cross where I put Him. I am also desperately trying to become more like Christ—wronged and persecuted yet so focused on my Father and His mission that I ask for forgiveness for them while they are in the middle of transgression, utterly unaware of and unconcerned with their sin. I am both the sinner in chains and the one with the key to open them with the power of undeserved forgiveness. That’s a difficult truth for me to reconcile.

Psalm 36:7 How priceless is Your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.

Precious Savior, Forgive me for my sins—large and small, committed knowingly and unintentionally. Help me to have the heart of Jesus when it comes to those who have sinned against me, knowingly and unintentionally. You are my treasure, Lord, my very great reward. My sin and my anger separate me from You. Forgive me. Forgive them. Help me to forgive and let go. Draw me closer to You, Lord. Amen.

Psalm 37:8-9 They feast on the abundance of Your house; You give them drink from Your river of delights. For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.

Have a blessed day.

Sovereignty and victory…. (devo reflection)

1 Chron 15:12 … “You are the heads of the Levitical families; you and your fellow Levites are to consecrate yourselves and bring up the ark of the LORD, the God of Israel, to the place I have prepared for it.”
Lord, These are difficult times, unprecedented times, but You are already on the other side. You are sovereign and in control. Thank You for Your sovereignty. Thank You that You have already won the war. Help us to be ever mindful of Your sovereignty and victory as we enter each day.
1 Chron 15:13 “It was because you, the Levites, did not bring it up the first time that the LORD our God broke out in anger against us. We did not inquire of him about how to do it in the prescribed way.”
Lord, in a time of global pandemic and contentious political divide, help us to seek Your will and Your way—loving You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, loving our neighbors as ourselves, seeking justice, loving mercy, walking humbly with You.
1 Chron 15:14 So the priests and Levites consecrated themselves in order to bring up the ark of the LORD, the God of Israel.
Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for Your love, mercy, and sovereignty. Help us to shine Your light. Always. Amen.
1 Chron 15:16 David told the leaders of the Levites to appoint their fellow Levites as musicians to make a joyful sound with musical instruments: lyres, harps and cymbals.
Have a blessed day.

Off the beaten path…. (devo reflection)

Gen 21:20 And God was with the boy as he grew up in the wilderness….
Our family returned last night from a three day hiking and camping trip on the Appalachian Trail. I considered writing two reflections before leaving and putting them up on the website (, but as I tried to read the next chapter of 2 Samuel Sunday evening, I found I couldn’t feel God’s Spirit with me in the words, so I decided to take a two day break from writing reflections and focus on reconnecting with God in a completely different way by being fully present in our trip and looking for Him along the way.
Deut 4:29 But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Our God is so faithful, and I found Him everywhere I looked. From the vibrant wildlife (a bright orange Red Eft) and plant life (verdant green ferns, gorgeous wildflowers in reds, purples, yellows, and whites) to a small youth group from Ohio the same age as our boys to the encouragement we were able to give each other along the way to the weather (clouds mean less searing heat and less sunburn), God was with us every step of the way. 
Matt 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you.”
Lord, Thank You for this day. Thank You for Your presence and steadfastness, for being with us if we will only look to see You. Thank You for the ability to connect with You in a different, very powerful way. Help me not to be afraid to step out of routine connections and seek You and find You off the beaten path. You are with me always. Draw me closer. Amen.
Luke 11:9 “So I tell you: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Have a blessed day.

Hard lessons…. (devo reflection)

Deut 28:45a All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed….
God is sovereign and all powerful. I am not saying that He can’t curse us in all these ways outlined in Deut 28, but I think that much more often, when we refuse His sovereignty and guidance, He typically chooses to curse us by letting us have our way. 
Deut 28:45b …because you did not obey the LORD your God and observe the commands and decrees He gave you.
For instance, look at the story of the prodigal son. When the wayward son comes home and receives the royal treatment, the faithful son is angry. He has followed the rules, but he feels he has been cheated. The father says, “My son…you are always with me, and everything I have is yours” (Luke 15:31). When the prodigal left home, he was cut off from the father, his love, support, and resources. The other son never lost that connection.
Deut 28:46 They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever.
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for Your sovereignty. Thank You for drawing us closer to You, always. Either we say to You, “Your will be done,” or You give us our way and allow us to learn hard lessons. Help us to choose wisely, Lord. Help us to choose You. Always. Amen.
Deut 28:47 Because you did not serve the LORD your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity….
Have a blessed day.

Love is a choice…. (devo reflection)

Deut 11:1 Love the LORD your God….
Love is a choice. It’s not always an easy choice, but it’s a choice nonetheless. That’s why God doesn’t force us to love Him. He could, but He wants us to choose Him. Love is also a daily choice. Sometimes we don’t FEEL like doing the loving thing. Sometimes we are angry or stressed or fed up. And we can choose to give in to our feelings (spoiler alert: that never ends well) or we can choose to act in love. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not easy, but it IS our choice.
Deut 11:13 …love the LORD your God….
God chose to send Jesus to save this fallen is world. He could have wiped everyone out and tried again, but He chose love. Jesus chose to obey His Father out of love. “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42). It wasn’t an easy choice. It wasn’t without huge sacrifice. But Jesus chose love.
Deut 11:22 …love the LORD your God….
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for the reminder that love is a choice that we make day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment. Thank You for the reminder that love isn’t always an easy choice. Sometimes it requires great sacrifice. Thank You for the reminder to love others as You have loved us. Help us to always use Your love for us as our guide as we strive to love each other. Draw us closer. Amen.
Deut 11:22 …love the LORD your God, …walk in obedience to Him, …hold fast to Him….
Have a blessed day.

With us in this fight…. (devo reflection)

Deut 9:1 Hear, Israel: You are now about to cross the Jordan to go in and dispossess nations greater and stronger than you….
The first sentence of commentary on today’s verse says, “God was leading Israel into something too big for them. It was a challenge they could only meet if they trusted in God.” These lines immediately brought to mind this global pandemic that we are experiencing. It is too big for us. It is a challenge we can meet only if we trust in God.
Deut 9:3a But be assured today that the LORD your God is the one who goes ahead of you like a devouring fire….
But I’m left wondering how I can trust in God during this in a way that will make any difference, that will have an impact. Psalm 118:24 immediately sprang to mind when I asked that question: “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it,” followed quickly by Luke 10:26: “‘Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Deut 9:3b …He will destroy them; He will subdue them before you….
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for speaking to my heart this morning. We are in the midst of an incredibly frightening global pandemic. This situation is way too big for us. Thank You for Your reminders to rejoice always and to love You and love others. I don’t know how these things will make a difference in this fight, but I trust that You do. Help us not to underestimate the power of rejoicing, of loving, of trusting in You. Thank You for being with us in this fight. Draw us closer. Amen.
Deut 9:3c …And you will drive them out and annihilate them quickly, as the LORD has promised you.
Have a blessed day.

Not My will…. (devo reflection)

Numbers 22:12 But God said to Balaam, “Do not go with them. You must not put a curse on those people, because they are blessed.”
I was confused when I read this chapter initially. It seemed like God gave Balaam permission to do something and then got mad when he did, which made no sense, as God is not fickle nor irrational. Commentary helped me make sense of what I was reading. Balaam asked. God said no. Balaam was offered more money and REALLY wanted to say yes, so he asked again, and God said no. Again. But more money was offered, so Balaam asked a third time. God said, “Go but only say what I tell you.” His answer every time was very clear, yet Balaam kept asking, so He allowed Balaam to go, testing his faithfulness.
Numbers 22:16-17 They came to Balaam and said: “…Do not let anything keep you from coming to me, because I will reward you handsomely….”
I am reminded very clearly of Jesus praying on the Mount of Olives, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Balaam is essentially advocating for the exact opposite: “I hear You tell me no, but I’m going to keep asking in hopes you’ll see things my way.” 
Numbers 22:20 That night God came to Balaam and said, “Since these men have come to summon you, go with them, but do only what I tell you.”
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for these comparisons. Thank You for showing us the humble heart of Your servant Jesus, a heart worth emulating. Thank You also for showing us Balaam’s heart, which is selfish and self-serving. Help us to root out that side of ourselves and humble ourselves before You. Draw us closer. Amen.
Numbers 22:21-22 Balaam… saddled his donkey and went with the Moabite officials. But God was very angry when he went, and the angel of the LORD stood in the road to oppose him.
Have a blessed day.

Everything I have is yours…. (devo reflection)

Numbers 18:7 …I am giving you the service of the priesthood as a gift….
In Numbers 18, God shows the priests and Levites that the priesthood is a gift. By virtue of their office and service to God, God gives them access to the gifts given to Him. Much is asked of them, but He gives them much in return.
Numbers 18:9 You are to have the part of the most holy offerings that is kept from the fire…
Numbers 18 puts me in mind of the story of the prodigal son. When the prodigal returns, the father kills the fattened calf to celebrate, and the older son, the one who remained faithful, is jealous. But the father says, “My son…you are always with me, and everything I have is yours” (Luke 15:31). Being in God’s presence is a gift and allows us access to Him—His love, mercy, grace—for longer than just a single celebration.
Numbers 18:12 “I give you all the finest olive oil and all the finest new wine and grain they give the LORD as the first fruits of their harvest.”
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for the reminder that to be in a loving relationship with You is a precious gift, which grants us access to Your throne, Your presence, Your mercy. Help us to live as children of the One True King. Draw us closer. Amen.
Numbers 18:14 “Everything in Israel that is devoted to the LORD is yours.”
Have a blessed day.

Echoes…. (devo reflection)

Numbers 12:1 Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses….
I clearly see a parallel in Numbers 12 between Moses and Jesus. I was surprised when commentary didn’t mention the similarities. First, like Jesus, Moses does not spring to his own defense when he is falsely accused. He knows who he is and trusts God to know his heart. Jesus’s response, found in all four gospels, to Pilate’s question about whether He is king of the Jews is simply, “You say that I am….” Moses simply doesn’t answer his accusers at all.
Numbers 12:7 But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house.
The first words Moses speaks are in Numbers 12:13, where he prays for the healing of Miriam’s leprosy, a condition brought on her as punishment for her false accusation, reminding me of Jesus, as He was dying, praying for the soldiers casting lots for His clothes. “Forgive them Father, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).
Numbers 12:13 So Moses cried out to the LORD, “Please, God, heal her!”
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for the echo of Jesus’s example that I see in Moses’s behavior. Thank You for the reminder to trust that You know who I am, even when I am maligned by others. Thank You for the love and hope that comes from praying for others, even those who persecute me (Matt 5:44). Help me to shine Your light, spread Your peace, love, and hope through my actions and reactions. Help me never to lose sight of the fact that You know my heart and You will fight for me (Exodus 14:14). Draw me closer. Amen.
Numbers 12:15 So Miriam was confined outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on till she was brought back.
Have a blessed day.