Living in love…. (devo reflection)

2 John 1:5 And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another.

Love one another. Walk in love. Love God. Love others. So incredibly simple, this command, but often ridiculously difficult to live.

2 John 1:6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

For me, pride is the root of my troubles with this command. My pride often leads me to anger, fear, or bitterness, and these emotions make it hard to love others deeply, fiercely, and unconditionally.

2 John 1:7 I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

Lord, Thank You for the reminder of Your commandment to love. Thank You for the reminder that my pride is my biggest obstacle to living Your love in action. Help me to surrender my pride to You so that I can love more deeply in Your name. Help me, Jesus. Amen.

2 John 1:12 I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.

Have a blessed day.

Rooted in Him…. (devo reflection)

2 John 1:9 …The one abiding in the teaching [of Christ], this one has both the Father and the Son.
It is no secret that I operate by routine. The biggest part of my morning routine for the last five or more years has been rooted in bible study, prayer, reading, and reflection. This daily routine, accomplished before anyone else in my house is stirring (usually), helps me root myself, anchor my day, in my beloved Savior. Thank You, Jesus.
John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
This morning I did not stick with my routine. I had an obligation that had to be completed at a specific time, and I just didn’t set an alarm to allow for study, prayer, and reflection beforehand. The result was that my morning felt off. I was a bit on edge, a bit grumpy, a bit short tempered. Of course, there are many variables that could account for the change in mood, but I sincerely believe that NOT beginning my morning rooted in My Savior played a huge role. Help me, Jesus.
1 John 2:6 Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked.
Lord, Thank You for this day, for sitting with me quietly each morning, for whispering Your truth to my heart. Thank You for the peace that comes with abiding in You daily and for never being too busy to take time for me. Thank You for loving me more than I could ever deserve. Help me to show others Your deep love. Draw us closer. Amen.
John 15:23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves Me will obey My teaching, and We will come to them and make Our home with them.”
Have a blessed day.