2 Samuel 13:21 When King David heard all this, he was furious. (NIV)
2 Samuel 12:10 says: “Now therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.” 2 Samuel 13 certainly seems to be a fulfillment of 2 Samuel 12:10, but I continue to be struck by Davis’s behavior. I thought at first he was so furious with Amnon’s actions that he was, essentially, “sputtering mad,” but it seems he was so enamored of his firstborn that he can’t be bothered to discipline him for raping his half-sister.
2 Samuel 13:21 When David heard what had happened to Tamar, he was very angry. But Amnon was his oldest son and also his favorite, and David would not do anything to make Amnon unhappy. (CEV)
As a parent, I’m completely flummoxed by David’s behavior. How do you love a child, your child, so much that you refuse to correct him, especially when he commits an act as heinous as rape? How can a parent allow a child to go through life thinking that behavior is acceptable? I know I’m not supposed to judge, but come on, David. What are you doing here?!?
2 Samuel 13:21 When King David heard about this, he became very angry. But David didn’t punish his son Amnon. He favored Amnon because he was his firstborn son. (GWT)
Lord, Thank You for this day. It’s hard to thank You for scripture like today, but thank You for a look at why the job of parent is so crucial, why it is so important to correct our children so they can grow to be good, caring, loving human beings who love You and care for Your people. It isn’t easy to be a good parent sometimes. Give us strength to parent with Your love and grace, even when it’s difficult. And thank You so much for these children You’ve entrusted to us. Amen.
2 Samuel 13:22 And Absalom never said a word to Amnon, either good or bad, because he hated Amnon for disgracing his sister Tamar….
Have a blessed day.