Leviticus 16:2 The LORD said to Moses: “Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place ….”
I feel the sting of Aaron’s separation from God. He was only allowed in God’s presence once a year, and stringent preparations had to be completed first. Then I think with some guilt on my own open invitation to the foot of my Savior’s throne. Jesus finished the work of atonement, leaving me with unrestricted access to God.
Leviticus 16:34a. “This is to be a lasting ordinance for you….”
That access is a gift, but do I treat it as such? That’s where the aforementioned guilt comes in. Do I treat my open communication with God as the sacred gift it is? I don’t have to wait for a once-a-year invitation. I don’t have to go through atonement rituals. I can and do sit at His feet every morning in earnest conversation. What a precious gift. Thank You, Jesus.
Leviticus 16:34b “…Atonement is to be made once a year for all the sins of the Israelites.”
Lord, Thank You for this day, for this scripture, for this reminder that my relationship with You is a gift. Thank You for sitting with me every morning, for drawing me closer, for helping me understand more of You. Help me never to lose sight of what a precious gift this time with You is. Amen.
Leviticus 16:34c And it was done, as the LORD commanded Moses.
Have a blessed day.