A place of abundance…. (devo reflection)

Psalm 66:1 Shout for joy to God, all the earth!

At my heart, I am an optimist. I try to look at the bright side because if I give myself over to negativity, things get very dark. There are those who would say I have slipped into the realm of toxic positivity (the attitude of “It’s fine, I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” as the world is on fire and I’m bleeding to death), but I wholeheartedly disagree. Being optimistic doesn’t mean ignoring the negative. It means focusing more on the positive instead.

Psalm 66:8-9 Praise our God, all people’s, let the sound of His praise be heard ; He had preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.

A line in commentary on Psalm 66 struck me: “The main end of our life is not to do but to become….” (Meyer). Become what? More hopeful? More optimistic? More thankful? More prayerful? More loving? More compassionate and merciful? More like Christ? I think yes to all!

Psalm 66:10-11 For You, God, tested us; You refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs.

Lord, Thank You for this day and this scripture. Thank You for the ability to focus on the positive, on Your presence, even when times are difficult. Help me–with every breath, ever prayer, ever action–to become the person You created me to be. Draw me closer. Amen.

Psalm 66:12 You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance. 

Have a blessed day.