Genesis 22:1a Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”
There is so much that makes me uncomfortable about today’s scripture, but since this test plays out over ten more verses, I’ll deal with that tomorrow. What I want to focus on today is a fun fact that I learned as I read commentary on verses 1 and 2: Genesis 22:2 is the first mention of the word love in the Bible, and it references the love between a parent and a child, a father and a son.
Genesis 22:1b “Here I am,” he replied.
To my way of thinking, the Bible is a love letter from God to man, so I find it fascinating that I am 22 chapters in and only now hearing the word love. Not only that, but the word love is in the context of this test. God is saying, essentially, prove to Me that you love Me more than you love your son, prove to Me that you fully trust Me to keep my promises by your willingness to sacrifice this promise that I have finally fulfilled in Isaac.
Genesis 22:2a Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah.
Precious Savior, I have so much difficulty with today’s scripture. Forgive me. Help me. Thank You for this first mention of love in the Bible, for the bond between parent and child, for the love that You have for each of Your children, a love that surpasses all understanding. Help me seek, learn, understand as I read Your scripture. Amen.
Genesis 22:2b Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
Have a blessed day.